translation service
- translation service
Translation service
We will use an external translation service to translate the information homepage for the e-learning basic training for dementia care. Since it is translated mechanically, the translation may not be correct. Please note that our center cannot be held responsible for any errors caused by translation accuracy.

To switch languages, select the language switch button at the top right of the header. Press the button and a list will appear in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Burmese, Tagalog, and Nepali. The display will change when you select the language you want to use.
We will translate the introductory homepage of the Dementia Care Basic Training e-learning using an external translation service. Since it is machine-translated, there may be errors in the accuracy of the translation. Please note that our center cannot take any responsibility for any mistakes or inaccuracies in the translation.
The language selection can be made from the language switch button in the upper right corner of the header. When you press the button, a list of English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Burmese, Tagalog, and Nepali will be displayed. Select the desired language, and the display will change.
This is the introduction to the external translations that we use for external translations. This is a mechanical translation, a translation that can be confirmed. Please be careful, I do not accept the responsibility of the teacher in the middle of the translation.
You can select the language and continue to change the language in the top right corner of the title. This is a list of English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indo-African, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese and Korean languages. The selection language was revised.
Alzheimer sử dụng dịch vụ dịch từ bên ngoài Xin lưu ý rằng trung tâm của chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ lỗi hoặc không chính xác nào trong bản dịch.
Khi bạn nh tiếng Anh, tiếng Trung, tiếng Việt, tiếng Indonesia, tiếng Miến Điện , tiếng Tagalog và tiếng Nepal.
Kami akan menerjemahkan beranda pengenalan Pelatihan Dasar Perawatan Demensia berbasis e-learning menggunakan layanan terjemahan eksternal. Karena ini diterjemahkan oleh mesin, mungkin ada kesalahan dalam akurasi terjemahan. ketidakakuratan dalam terjemahan ini.
Ketika Anda menekan tombol tersebut, akan muncul daftar bahasa Inggris, bahasa Cina, bahasa Vietnam, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Myanmar, bahasa Tagalog, dan bahasa Nepal. Pilih bahasa yang diing inkan, Dan tampilan akan berubah.
ကျွန်တော့အာရှတင်ဆက်သွယ်မှုအဆိုပြုနဲ့ထွက်ခ Dementia Care Basic Training သင်တန်းတလေး e-learning ကိုအပြန်ကြွက်လပ်စွာစားပွဲပ ြုပြီးဖြစ်သွားရောက်သည်။ ဤကျောင်းတို့ကန်ပိုင ်းအားစစ်ကြောင်းနှင့်ထွက်ခြင်းများတွေ့ဆုံခ ျင်ပြီးတော့ ဤသင်တန်းတော်အချိန်ကိုမဟုတ်ပါက ဖ ြန့်ဆုံရန်ရွေးချယ်ရမည်မဟုတ်ပါ။
ဘာသာစကားရွေးရန်သင်တန်းတလေးရေးအတွက် ခိုင်န ှုန်းတစ်မျိုးအား ခေါ်ယူရန် ခိုင်မာယာပေါ်တွင ်ရွေးရန်အားပေးပါ။ ခိုင်မာယာပေါ်တွင်နှုန်းတတ ်မျိုး ကြေညာပါရေစပါတယ်။ ခလုတ်ကိုနှိပ်ရန်အတွ က် အင်္ဂလိပ်၊ တရုတ်၊ ဗီယက်နမ်၊ အင်ဒိုနီးရှား ၊ ိုက်မြန်မာအတွက် အသုံးပြုပါ။ သင်ရောက်မည်ရယူပ ါ။
Dahil ito ay isang makinaryang pagsasalin-wika, maaaring magkaruon ng mga kamalian sa kahusayan ng pagsasalin. na hindi namin maaaring pasanin ang anumang responsibilidad ang aming sentro para sa mga pagkakamali o hindi kapani-paniwala na salinwika.
Ang pagpili ng wika ay maaaring gawin mula sa pindutan ng paglipat wika sa kanang itaas ng header. Kapag pindutin mo ang pindutan, ipapakita ang isang listahan ng Ingles, Tsino, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Burmese, Tagalog, at Nepali. , at magbabago ang display.
हाम्रो केन्द्रले पर्वाह नगर्दै, हाम्रो केन्द् रले पर्वाह नगर्दै, प्रवर्तन गर्ने बाह्य अनुवाद सेवामा सम्मिलित गरेर डिमेन्सिया केयर मूल प्रश िक्षण ई-सिकाइल्निङको परिचयको मुखपृष्ठ अनुवाद ग र्नेछ। कृपया यसले म्यानप्युअल अनुवादको सटिकता मा कुनै पनि गल्तीमा हुन सक्दछ भन्दै मिस्टर बनाए को छ भनेर याद गर्नुहोस्। कृपया ध्यान दिनुहोस् कि हाम्रो केन्द्रले अनुवादमा कुनै पनि गल्ती व ा अशु
भाषा चयन माथि हेडरको उपरको भाषा स्विच बटनबाट ग र्न सकिन्छ। जब तपाईंले बटनमा प्रेस गर्दैनुहुन् छ, तपाईंको संकेत गरिएको छ अंग्रेजी, चिनियाँ, भिए तनामी, इन्डोनेसियाई, बर्मी, तगालोग, र नेपालीको स ूची॥ ्तन गरिनेछ।