- Payment of tuition fees
- What is the local government that has designated the Sendai Center?
Q&A about e-learning
What is the local government that has designated the Sendai Center?
These are prefectures and ordinance-designated cities that outsource e-learning services to the Sendai Center for Dementia Care Research and Training. For businesses with addresses in this municipality and their trainees, the Sendai Center will act as a point of contact for direct application procedures and inquiries.
The municipalities that have designated the Sendai Center are as follows.
- Hokkaido
・Tohokuarea - HokkaidoSapporoAomori Prefecture
Miyagi PrefectureSendai cityYamagata Prefecture
Fukushima prefecture Akita prefecture
- Kantoarea
- Tochigi Prefecture Ibaraki Prefecture Gunma Prefecture Tokyo Chiba PrefectureChiba
Kanagawa PrefectureYokohama City Kawasaki CitySagamihara City
- Chubu・
Hokurikuarea - Niigata PrefectureNiigata CityIshikawa Prefecture
Fukui prefecture Nagano prefecture Yamanashi prefecture
Shizuoka PrefectureShizuoka City Hamamatsu City
Aichi Prefecture (excluding Nagoya City), Gifu Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture
- Kansaiarea
- KyotoKyoto CityOsaka prefecture
Osaka City Sakai CityMie Prefecture Nara Prefecture Wakayama Prefecture
Hyogo PrefectureKobe City
- Shikoku・
Chinaarea - Kagawa Prefecture Tokushima Prefecture Kochi Prefecture
Shimane Prefecture Tottori Prefecture Hiroshima Prefecture
Hiroshima cityOkayama PrefectureOkayama City
- Kyushu·
Okinawaarea - Fukuoka PrefectureFukuoka City Kitakyushu City
Saga prefecture Kumamoto prefectureKumamoto City
Oita prefecture Miyazaki prefecture Kagoshima prefecture Okinawa prefecture
The course fee in the above municipalities is 3,000 yen (including consumption tax) per participant.
Please note that the transfer fee is to be borne by the student.